From His Vantage Point It All Makes Sense

I just completed a walking tour in Jordan via iFIT and my Nordictrack treadmill. It has been amazing to see how history in that part of the world intersects with the Bible, making God’s story more real and palpable with each step.

Tour Guide Fadi Abu Jaber stands in front of Al Khazneh or “The Treasury”, a popular tourist attraction in Petra, Jordan. This site is a giant sandstone temple facade that dates back to the first century AD. You might recognize it from the Indiana Jones movie “The Last Crusade” as it is where he found the Holy Grail. In real life, the site was used for different purposes over the thousands of years it has been standing–from mausoleum to crypt to temple and places of worship and more.

I learned just how valuable and important things like frankincense and myrrh were to the economy of the day; the importance of goats and lambs then and now; and how the natural lay of the land allowed for some of the most fortified and safe strongholds. Scripture about building your house on rock instead of shifting sand makes more sense as I got to see ancient structures carved into the mountains or built with stones still standing and often still used. So many places in this land where Jesus and his disciples actually lived and walked; where the Romans built their cities; and where King David, led by God, took back what was meant for God’s people, still stand today.

This is Petra Theater. The theater was built in the cultural and political apex of the Nabataean kingdom under King Aretas IV (9 BC-40 AD)

I got to walk in beautiful Jordanian deserts, step into the now dried up Dead Sea, and hike up mountains upon which God often met with the likes of Abraham, Isaac, and Moses; where the tombs of people like Aaron, Moses’ brother, still stand. It is so hard for me to imagine how so many people still doubt the Bible. As I listened to the tour guide refer to time periods as BC and AD—a system that has been used throughout the world for century upon century and that uses the birth and death of Jesus Christ as its very foundation—I wondered how people can still doubt the importance of this one “man” who walked the earth over 2000 years ago?

How can they not believe? There was no social media nor television to send out “fake news” to the masses? There were no newspapers or telegrams or even carrier pigeons. Even without my personal relationship with Jesus which waters my faith every day, the history etched in this beautiful land, would certainly get my attention.

But, perhaps, the most impactful moment I experienced during this 7-series walking tour that covered almost eight miles of hikes through this beautiful Middle Eastern land, happened at the very end as I stood atop the final mountaintop and looked down over the area that I had just traversed. As I stood virtually atop this beautiful mountain, sweaty and tired, joy overcame my spirit as I gazed upon the places from which I had come. I could see the other mountains and the valleys and the deserts that I had walked through—sometimes just barely trudging along—to finally arrive at this pinnacle vantage point where it all became clear. I could see in a breathtaking display why each step had mattered and why it was all worth it.

You know, I truly think that this is what will happen at the end of our life.

I can just imagine standing on Heaven’s highest mountaintop and gazing upon the journey which brings me to the physical place where I stand arm-in-arm with Jesus. From His vantage point, I imagine seeing every twist and every turn, every mountaintop, every valley, every dry spot, and every place of joy which I had traversed in my lifetime and every single one will suddenly make complete sense. Each journey mattered; each step had a purpose and that purpose was Him. Our life is all about Him and all for Him. It always has been, and it always will be. He is our Protector, our Comforter, and our Savior. He is our one, true love. For eternity.

It’s in the lows that our faith can really grow

I love this rhythm—reading God’s Word everyday in chronological order.

I love these Psalms—the Psalms of David, written while he was on the run from King Saul.

I feel like I’m sitting on a rock nearby and watching and listening as David pours out his heart to God.

So much of David’s life seems to be for the benefit of others; to help others see God at work on their behalf, but this time is just for him and God. With no one of like heart to talk to, this time is rich in purpose for David and, of course, the readers of The Word later in history.

The big miracles are a beautiful display of God’s power, but it is in the quiet times where we may feel alone where our faith is often tested and the real growth happens. It is in those times that the relationship with God grows and cements itself in our hearts.

Life is made of highs and lows. It’s our job to make the most of both and praise Him through it all.

Remember how Mary stored away details of the miracle of Jesus’ birth which she later recalled and it gave her strength after her beloved son died on the cross?

That is what I think we are supposed to do. Store up the “highs” to strengthen us in the “lows,” for it is in the lows that our faith really grows.

Does science and Creation meet on the mountain top?

Well, I just fell into quite a rabbit hole. Today’s talk of the two mountains in the Bible Recap reading plan—Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim—got me curious about mountains in general. We all know that mountains have much significance to God in scripture and many pivotal moments happen on mountaintops. Mountains are a portrait of many qualities of God.

Photo credit: This photo is from National Geographic’s website.

And so, I did a little digging into mountains and what they actually are and what they do for us. Here are a few things I found of interest.

  1. Even after mountains stop growing, they exist for millions of years before eroding away.
  2. Mountains play a major role in determining global and regional climates. They are the source of most rivers, act as cradles, barriers and bridges for species, and are crucial for the survival and sustainability of many human societies. They provide 60-80% of all freshwater resources. In other words, mountains are crucial to our survival.

But, perhaps, this next bit of information plunged me into the deepest rabbit hole of all while struggling with the scientific claims of the earth being 4.5 billion years old. I hope you can follow this, because I’m not sure I can. Haha. But something here just won’t let go of me.

  1. I found this on a website which explores what would happen with no mountains.

“To have a world with no mountains occur naturally, there must be no plate tectonics. To have no plate tectonics, there must either be no moon, or the moon must be tidally locked to prevent its gravitic influence causing heat-producing deformation of the world.

A consequence of this is that there would be no earthquakes and erosion would eventually level land and sea-floor alike until it was eventually all an equal depth beneath the water”

And, pause!

I could be a billion miles off with this, BUT could this explain how science claims the earth is 4.5 billion years old and how biblical timing actually line up. When God appears in Genesis to create the earth as we know it:

“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”


I told you it was a deep rabbit hole!

What do you think?

Of Balaam, Balak and Biblical Truths: When Bible Stories go from Obscure to Luminous

Never have I seen so much of Jesus and the heart of God in the Old Testament as I am seeing this time through the Bible. It is literally like a veil being lifted. What was once obscure and hard to understand is suddenly enlightening and illuminating when you begin to better understand the heart of its omniscient narrator and creator.

Never have I seen the whole story coming together so; like a tightly woven silk scarf—not only beautiful, but knitted together with creation’s strongest fiber.

So many things again are leaping off of these pages of Numbers, but I can’t help but zoom in again on TRUSTING God’s infinite wisdom, especially as it comes to His creation of humankind.

Balaam with angel and donkey, copperplate engraving by William Marshall Craig.

Most of us likely wonder why idol-loving Balaam, whose heart has an obvious wicked side, was chosen for the important task of showing King Balak, a man who was hell-bent on cursing God’s people, who was indeed in charge

But, of course, God knew Balaam was the perfect one for the job. He was someone Balak obviously trusted and was also one that understood the power of God. The problem was Balaam was a an idol whore, and his loyalty and heart went wherever his own desires were met.

And herein lies my God-shot. Nothing can stop God’s plan. Nothing. God can take us free-willing humans and mold us and shape our hearts to help fulfill His purposes and plans. Of course, His core desire is for us to also desire Him and His purposes and plans and ultimately His righteousness, but He certainly doesn’t mind using someone like Balaam who obviously thinks He can use God for his own fleshly purposes.

Just as God did with Pharoah, did you catch the many life lines and chances He gave Balaam and even King Balak?

One of my favorite passages today came in Numbers 23:18-20 during Balaam’s second message to Balak. It was such a personalized call, I can’t imagine that Balak didn’t at least lose his breath for a minute. And Balaam too as the Holy Spirit made him utter such glorious words of God’s unchangeable nature.

“Balak, get up and listen, son of Zippor, pay attention to what I say!
God is not a man, that he might lie, or a son of man, that he might change his mind. Does he speak and not act or promise and not fulfill? …

Deep sigh.

Father God, as I sit here with a face drenched in tears, I want to thank You and give You praise for giving us your Word and yet another opportunity and lifeline to fully turn to You and give you all that we are to fulfill the purposes You set for us before the foundation of the world was created. Father, you know my heart and you know thatI desire to fully trust You, but I still falter daily in this area. Thank You for showing me every day—through Your Word and actions—who You really are and continuing to find me worthy. I want nothing more than to follow and love you with ALL my heart, Lord; to do my part in Your Plan. Please continue to help me with this. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen and Ehmen

Regarding Moses

Writer’s Note: I am reading chronologically through the Bible in a year using Tara-Leigh Cobble’s Bible Recap. You can find in podcast form or on the You Version Bible App. God is really opening up His Word in a fresh way this time through and I’ve never been more excited to dig in everyday. Starting today, I thought I might share some of my thoughts from the day’s reading, which today was Exodus 4-6. If you are looking for a guided way to walk through the Word with links to study tools and videos, check out the Bible Recap. I think you will love it as much as I do. 

I have both dreaded and been excited about this story. The reason? Because I relate to Moses so deeply. I, too, have come up with every excuse in the book not to do what God has called me to do. I, too, have felt inadequate and felt that God got it all wrong when He picked me. I, too, have felt convicted and convinced by His patience with me and His power that I started the walk, but then freaked at the first sign of difficulty. Which, by the way, Satan is happy to exploit and keep you from doing God’s will.

I—we—must remember that we are operating under the authority and power of God Almighty. He knows our weaknesses. Our weakness is why He selects us so that He can display His full power.

It’s sometimes easy to look at Moses and wonder how in the world he could doubt. But, then I realize that if someone saw all the signs and wonders God has performed in my own life, they would wonder the same about me.

Moses was human. I am human. We all are human. And God understands that and is patient and compassionate with us.

I am thankful for Moses’ story. And I’m thankful that Moses walked it out even with his doubt. He could have walked away and said, “no thanks…find someone else.” And God would have…

And we would be reading about someone else. What a personal tragedy that would be. I pray that I—that we—walk the walk God has chosen us for; that we don’t run or let Satan stop us. We can’t thwart God’s plans but we can choose to not be a part of it. And, I for one, desperately want to be a part of everything He has for me. Now, to pick up my staff—-my pen—and resume doing the thing!

Pray for me as I pray for you. I don’t even know most of you, but I love you all. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

A Father to the Fatherless…

Father to the Fatherless

June 16, 2019

Dear Father,

Thank You for promises kept. All of them. So many promises since the genesis of time, all of which You honor, never letting a single one fall by the wayside.

But, while I thank You for all of those promises kept and for all the fulfilled promises to come, the one that touches me most deeply today–Father’s Day 2019–is found in Psalm 68:5—“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Oh, how this promise has impacted me as You so carefully wove it into the lives of my earthly family when we lost our patriarch at the hands of a murderer.

But, not only is it a personal promise that covers me and my family, it’s a promise lovingly written in broad strokes to cover all of us who for, whatever reason, grew up with anything less than a good earthly father—whether that father was absent by no choice of his own or one who willfully ignored and disregarded what his children needed most of all: to be loved, cherished, protected and valued.

Still, if I am completely honest, I still sometimes struggle with feeling loved, cherished, protected and valued. Deep down I know that I am, because not only do You say that I am, but You have proven it time and time again throughout my life.

Help me with this, Father, and thank You for always being there no matter what and for standing in the gap for my earthly dad who I miss deeply even all these years later. Amen and Ehmen.

Dear Child,

I always address you as child, because no matter how old you are or what you have or haven’t done, you will always be just that–My child. I chose you before you were born and will continue to choose you every single day of your life throughout eternity. Nothing and no one can every change that.

Brenda, I am sorry that you did not have the opportunity to truly know your earthly dad. He is a wonderful man who also loves you very much and with who you will one day be reunited. He eagerly awaits this ultimate family reunion and, in the meantime, keeps busy enjoying His many heavenly rewards of which you are one.

We are both very proud of you and the way that you are learning to lay all the twists and turns of life at My feet so that I can make your path straight. Keep your eyes on Me and, together, we will walk heart-first into My will and your purpose.

But, be careful, My Child, not to let your feelings disrupt what you know in your spirit to be true. Feelings can be fickle, a product of the flesh which, by human nature, is weak. Just like the words of a self-professed prophet, you must always test each and every feeling against My Word, the place My truth—and yours—live and breathe; the place where love–My eternal love and affection for you, My child, resides and awaits the moment you allow it to be etched on your heart, never to be forgotten again. On this Father’s Day, I give you this gift. Drink it in. Trust it. And, know, Child…

I have searched you thoroughly and I know everything about you ( Psalm 139:1), even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matthew 10:29-31). I know when you sit down and when you rise up (Psalm 139:2) and I am familiar with all your ways (Psalm 139:3).

For you are My offspring (Acts 17:28) who I knew before you were ever conceived (Jeremiah 1:4-5) and who was made in My own image (Genesis 1:27). I chose you when I planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12), My child. You are not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book (Psalm 139:15-16) and in Me, you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28).

It was Me who knit you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13) and Me that determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live (Acts 17:26). Yes, Child, you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and it is My desire to lavish My love on you simply because you are My child and I am your Father (1 John 3:1).

Know this, too, My Child, I offer you more than your earthly father ever could (Matthew 7:11) for I am the perfect father (Matthew 5:28). Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand (James 1:17), for I am your provider and I meet all your needs (Matthew 6:31-33).

My plan for your future, Child, has always been filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11), because I love you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore (Psalm 139:17-18) and I rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). I will NEVER stop doing good to you (Jeremiah 32:40), for you are My treasured possession (Exodus 19:5).

I am your greatest encourager, child (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17) and I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you (Psalm 34:18), for as a shepherd carries a lamb, I carry you close to my heart (Isaiah 40:11).

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus, (John 17:23) who came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you (Romans 8:31) and tell you that I am not counting your sins (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). He died so that you and I could be reconciled (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) and His death was the ultimate expression of My love for you (1 John 4:10).

Don’t you see, Child, I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love (Romans 8:31-32). If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive Me as well (1 John 2:23) and nothing will ever separate you from My love again (Romans 8:38-39).

I have always been Father, and will always be Father (Ephesians 3:14-15). My question is…Will you be my child (John 1:12-13)?

Peaceful Nights

Photo Credit: Alice Blue of

Sometimes you just need to press pause on life.

Take a stroll in the night air. Sit on the porch and take in all the sounds. Marvel at the little flashes of green as the fireflies put on a ballet in the air about you.

Smell the honeysuckle growing wild just beyond the fence.

Listen as the crickets chirp in harmony with all the other creatures of the night assigned to keep watch on the world as most of us wind down and enter the land of sleepy slumber.

I understand for some, the dark brings fear and evil. But, for me, at this time in my life, the night brings me peace.

Sweet sounding peace. Heavenly protection.

I haven’t always felt safe and protected, but oh what a sweet feeling now that I do. I no longer fear the dark or the unknown like I did for so long, because I now have an eternal night light living inside of me and a God that has promised—and proven Himself time and time again—to always protect and cherish me.

If you know God, I hope you will take some time tonight to feel His great love for you. And, if you don’t know Him, I hope you will take some time to seek Him. I promise you that you will never, ever regret it.

May you all have a blessed week and a happy summer of peace-filled days and nights. Much love and many blessings to you all.

Amen and Ehmen

Hugs from Heaven

It’s a beautiful spring day. The temperature is perfect, not too warm and not too cool. I came outside to try and see if my mama’s hummingbirds had made it back this year, but my eyelids felt so heavy, I had to close my eyes.

Oh, the sounds of God’s creation. The sunshine brings out the most beautiful sounds from nature. It’s as if a new song is being composed as I listen. The beat is rhythmic, slow, and steady. It reminds me of our breath, when we are breathing as we are meant to. Inhale, 2, 3, 4; Hold, 2, 3, 4; Exhale 2, 3, 4.

There are two birds in the distance that seem to be vying for a soloist spot, but they wind up performing one of the most incredible duets ever. The rest of the birds in the neighborhood chime in like the perfect backup singers.

The wind blows gently, cooling my skin and playing a tune of its own on the many windchimes hanging on my back porch. The rustling of the wind through the palm leaves is incredibly soothing and the sun’s warmth on my face is like beautiful wrapping on the best gift ever. It feels like a sweet hug from Heaven, and I can’t imagine it getting any better.

But wait, what’s THAT sound? Is that a humming sound coming from the direction of the hummingbird feeder that hangs outside my mom’s old window? Could it be?

Yes!!! I opened my eyes to see that the first hummers of the season have arrived as if right on cue. I’m quite sure that some are my mom’s old friends, including her favorite blue/green little guy with the ruby throat. He and his friends look incredibly comfortable and familiar.

Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll make sure they always have plenty of fresh food. We miss you here on earth, but I’m thrilled you are now watching the show from the best vantage point ever!

My day, my week has been made. *Happy sigh.*

Friends, if you are stressed at all, I hope you will go outside and just drink it all in, if for only a few minutes. It’s almost physically impossible to be stressed and out of sorts when you let God and nature fill your soul and senses.

We are blessed.

Amen and Ehmen.

A Morning Prayer



Photo by Donald M. Jones


Songbirds tweet in harmony as I willingly and excitedly step into the silence. Silence, after all, is the threshold that one must cross to enter the heavenly realms and the presence of our Precious and Mighty God.

His voice is clearest in the quiet, intimate times and it often seems as if I can hear His very heartbeat. His love for me is overwhelming and I pray that mine for Him is just as obvious and abounding.

As I breathe in His breath, I exhale peace and love. I’m here, Father. Use me. Send me. Heal me and equip me for the journey. Fill me with first trust, then with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

I want to be everything You created me to be; to accomplish all that You planned for me; and, at such time I enter Your Presence for the rest of eternity, to hear these words: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done.”

Amen and Ehmen.