When God Speaks, I’m Learning to Listen…

Writer’s Note: As I was browsing my Facebook “memories,” I came upon this one from three years ago. It is a FB post along with subsequent comments as the Featured Image -- 351experience progressed. Thank God for these reminders. I just love how God works. Let him into your life and world and get ready for an exciting journey. This is just a tiny example of undeniable ways that He has made His presence and my purpose known in my life. And I would not trade it for the world. In fact, I want more! I want everything He has to give me! Amen and Ehmen!

Posted on Facebook the early morning of September 21, 2012:

So, my computer shut down unexpectedly and when I restarted it, this unsaved document reappeared. It was something I wrote for my personal God Time journal on Sept. 13. I had completely forgotten about it. The notes at the beginning said “You are about to go through some stuff, but I’m right here.” No big surprise that, if you have been following my posts, “stuff” has indeed been invading my world these last two weeks. Thank God, God knows I have a terrible memory and He brings his message right back to me. Oh, how I love Him:

9/13/2012 6:55 PM Journal Entry:

Dear God,
Tonight as I stepped outdoors to go for our evening stroll together, I took pause when I saw a darkening sky. I debated for a moment whether or not I should go and then decided to go back inside, grab an umbrella and get to stepping. I don’t like to miss time with You.
And, as usual you didn’t disappoint. As I walked along, I felt Your Presence urging me to look up. And there, Your sky became a theatre and the story You told, just like You, will stick with me through thick and thin.
“My child, thank you for trusting me enough to come on this walk,” I heard you say. “And, because of your obedience, I have something to share with you.”
“Look up, child. Though there are dark, ominous clouds rolling in, there arestormy skies also white, puffy clouds with silver and gold highlights perched ever so gently in the blue heavens. Those white clouds, blue skies and beams of sunshine represent Me. And, even though, storms may roll in, I Am always here. Just on the other side of that dark cloud and whatever it may bring, I, your Father, your Creator, exists, working even in the storm to bring about good. Don’t forget, my child, that this is My story. I Am the Author and the Producer and I control the outcome. And, this Good Guy, won’t ever be finishing last. Just breathe through the storm and know that all dark clouds will eventually pass and you will see Me in all My Glory, smiling and proud of your obedience and faith. Here, child, take a bow with Me.

  • September 21, 2012 at 8:32 am: Things started happening that evening and, if you look at my posts, you’ll see no posts from me 9/13 and beginning on 9/14, posts are about stressful events. It actually started the evening of 9/13, which is why I didn’t post this to begin with. Look how quickly I forgot. He gave me a message to prepare me and I just let it sail right out of my head and heart when trouble started. BUT, he brought it right back to me. God is so faithful; even when I’m silly stubborn. Now, off I go to the auto repair shop to see what is up with my AC. Whatever it is, it’s just a thang. Thank God, that I even have a car.
  • September 21, 2012 at 11:35am: My goodness, now I understand why God gave me this reminder this morning. :( Breathing through the storm just as He suggested.
  • September 21, 2012 at 8:16pm: Still blown away that of all the documents (probably 50 or more) I have worked on over the past two weeks, how THIS ONE unsaved, unnamed document (Document 17) is the only document to grace my screen after my computer unexpectedly shut down. By the way, my computer has been shut down and everything closed at least a dozen times since last week as well. Can I just say wow, again? I am just so glad God is so faithful and patient with stubborn folks like me.

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